
Outsourcing Today

Outsourcing has always been challenging, but post-COVID-19 pandemic it has become even more challenging. While outsourcing can offer significant benefits, such as cost savings and access to specialized skills, the post-COVID era presents unique challenges for project managers which we will discuss below. Understanding and addressing these challenges is crucial for ensuring successful project outcomes. Generally today, many people think that all they have to do is go to Upwork or Fivver and find talent, but at the end of the day, they don’t know how to manage them because they are not project managers. This is an art form and a major skill for people.

Communication Barriers

The shift to remote work has made communication more challenging, especially when dealing with offshore teams. Time zone differences, cultural barriers, and the lack of face-to-face interaction that can lead to misunderstandings and misalignments in project goals. This is especially so when the contracted resources understand that the person who contracted them is basically an idiot.

Solution: To overcome these barriers, project managers should leverage advanced communication tools and establish clear communication protocols. Regular video conferences, virtual team-building activities, and the use of collaboration platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams can enhance team cohesion and ensure everyone is on the same page. Additionally, remember to be honest about your shortcomings and listen when necessary.

Quality Control

Maintaining quality standards is another critical challenge in outsourcing. Differences in quality expectations, work standards, and practices between the hiring company and the outsourcing partner can lead to subpar deliverables. This is especially so with a green project manager.

Solution: Clear and detailed documentation of quality expectations, coupled with regular quality audits, can ensure that outsourced work meets the required standards. Project managers should establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and service-level agreements (SLAs) that clearly define quality metrics and hold contractors accountable. Regular feedback sessions and continuous improvement processes can also help in maintaining high-quality standards.

Data Security and Compliance

With increased outsourcing, especially in IT and data-centric projects, data security and compliance have become major concerns. The remote nature of work post-COVID-19 heightens the risk of data breaches and non-compliance with data protection regulations.

Solution: Project managers must ensure that outsourcing partners adhere to strict data security protocols. This includes implementing robust cybersecurity measures, such as encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits. Additionally, ensuring compliance with regulations like GDPR and CCPA through thorough vetting of outsourcing partners is essential. Legal agreements should include clauses that address data security and outline the consequences of breaches.

Managing Remote Teams

Post-COVID, managing remote teams has become a norm rather than an exception. Ensuring productivity, engagement, and morale in a remote setting presents unique challenges. However, this is a job for professionals. Not the kind of people that I have met lately who can barely tie their shoes.

Solution: Project managers should adopt best practices for remote team management. This includes setting clear expectations, providing the necessary tools and resources, and fostering a culture of accountability. Regular check-ins, virtual team-building activities, and recognition of team achievements can help maintain high levels of engagement and morale. Providing opportunities for professional development and growth is also crucial in retaining top talent in a remote work environment.

Economic and Political Instability

The pandemic has also caused economic and political instability in many countries, affecting outsourcing destinations. Currency fluctuations, changes in labor laws, and political unrest can impact the cost and stability of outsourcing arrangements. Of course, a lot of that is bullshit if you consider wars from people like Putin who probably couldn’t get a prom date. However, the world landscape is always changing.

Solution: Diversification is key to mitigating these risks generally speaking. Project managers should consider spreading their outsourcing efforts across multiple regions to avoid over-reliance on any single country. Additionally, staying informed about geopolitical developments and being prepared to pivot strategies as needed can help navigate economic and political uncertainties.

Scalability Issues

The rapid changes brought about by the pandemic require companies to be agile and scalable. This in no way suggests that they should use Agile or Scrum for their remote projects because they will more often than not fail. This is because scaling outsourced operations can be complex and may lead to inconsistencies in output and quality.

Solution: Establishing scalable processes from the outset is crucial. This includes creating standardized procedures, training programs, and documentation that can be easily replicated as the scope of outsourcing increases. Building strong relationships with outsourcing partners and ensuring they have the capacity to scale alongside your needs is also important. Regular reviews and adjustments to the outsourcing strategy can also ensure alignment with business growth.

Cost Management

While cost savings are a primary driver for outsourcing, hidden costs can erode these benefits if you don’t have a proper project manager. Management overhead, transition costs, and the potential for increased expenses due to supply chain issues or quality problems must be accounted for. This is why the project manager must be trained in all aspects of international project management.

Solution: Comprehensive cost analysis and meticulous budget planning are essential. Project managers should account for all potential costs, including hidden ones, and establish margins based on proven project management processes. Regular financial reviews and adjustments to the outsourcing strategy based on cost performance can help in maintaining the desired cost savings.


Outsourcing has always been a challenge, but the post-COVID era presents a myriad of new challenges for project managers overseeing outsourcing initiatives. From supply chain disruptions and communication barriers to quality control and data security, each challenge requires a tailored approach. By adopting flexible and proactive strategies, leveraging technology, and fostering strong partnerships, project managers can navigate these challenges and ensure successful project outcomes. Emphasizing transparency, continuous improvement, and robust risk management will be key to thriving in the evolving outsourcing landscape.

Let’s Git-R-Done this week!

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